Category: Scripting

  • Writing Current User registry keys in SCCM as System

    Normally I would have used CI’s from SCCM, but in this case I always received an Access Denied on the Current User Registry path. By using this script, we are able to to write to the Current User registry keys by deploying an application/package that runs as the System account.  You’ll need the following: Ensure…

  • Software Center – Application / Task Sequence stuck on Installing

    Run Powershell Elevated or Start CMD as an Administrator net stop winmgmt /y winmgmt /resetrepository reboot PC Start CMD as an Administrator c:\windows\ccm\ccmrepair.exe

  • Remove HKCU registry entries of multiple users

    Note: Current users logged on the system will be not affected because the ntuser.dat file is locked by the system.

  • Stop & Disable Service

  • Run MSI from PowerShell script with spaces in directories

    Make use of double “” to add a single ” in a variable for paths that has spaces C:\Program Files (x86)\ThunderBolt 3 Update

  • GetLocalGroupsSID

    $computerName = Read-Host ‘Enter computer name or press <Enter> for localhost’ $List = @{} if ($computerName -eq “”) {$computerName = “$env:computername”} $computer = [ADSI]”WinNT://$computerName,computer” $Users = $computer.psbase.Children | Where-Object { $_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq ‘group’ } foreach ($i in $Users) {$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($i.Name) $strSID = $objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) $list[$i.Name[0]] = $strSid.Value } $list | ft

  • Powershell – Get VM Names, Serial Number, Bios UUID

    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 -class Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData | select ElementName, BIOSSerialNumber, BIOSGUID | Sort-Object -Property ElementName

  • Hyper-V VM Scripts

    <# ImportHyperVVM.ps1 Dries Willems 03/12/2014 #> Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V –All -NoRestart Restart-Computer -Wait -For PowerShell -Timeout 600 -Delay 2 Import-Module Hyper-V $ethernet = Get-NetAdapter -Name ethernet $wifi = Get-NetAdapter -Name wi-fi New-VMSwitch -Name EthernetExternalSwitch -NetAdapterName $ethernet.Name -AllowManagementOS $true -Notes ‘Parent OS, VMs, LAN’ New-VMSwitch -Name WiFiExternalSwitch -NetAdapterName $wifi.Name -AllowManagementOS $true -Notes ‘Parent OS, VMs,…

  • How to add all users in an OU to a Security Group using Get-ADUser and Add-ADGroupMember

    Get-ADUser -SearchBase ‘OU=DEV,OU=BuitenDienst,OU=Users,OU=Moto,DC=Com’ -Filter * | ForEach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity ‘GG_SDS_DEV_Caris_ML_PROD’ -Members $_ }

  • Change Statuscode 3010 to 0

    @echo off msiexec /I vc_red.msi TRANSFORMS=vc_red.mst /qn ALLUSERS=1 /L*v %windir%\temp\TEST_SDS_Microsoft_VC++RedistSU_2008SP1_1.0_EN_x86_Inst.log REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS if %errorlevel% == 3010 (exit /b 0) else (exit /b %errorlevel%)

  • SetUsersFullControl.ps1

    $sharepath = “C:\SWL” $Acl = Get-ACL $SharePath $AccessRule= New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(“Users”,”full”,”ContainerInherit,Objectinherit”,”none”,”Allow”) $Acl.AddAccessRule($AccessRule) Set-Acl $SharePath $Acl