Where is the EndPoint setting for VM in new Azure portal?

The endpoint settings in VM allows us to configure the incoming traffic such as remote desktop, custom http ports (Teamcity, OctpusDeploy and etc.) to VM. It was pretty easy to find that setting on old HTML5 azure portal https://manage.windowsazure.com.

VM EndPoint Setting in old Azure portal

But you can’t use the new type of VM with a resource manager on old portal so you have no choice but to use the new Azure portal https://portal.azure.com. The problem (at least for me) came when I wanted to open some ports (endpoints) on new VM via new portal. It took me a while to search for it so I thought I will share it here for those who might have same issue.

Let’s see what you will get when you create a new VM with a resource manager.

Microsoft Azure Resource Group

By default, you will get the following things when you create a VM but of course, you have an option to choose what to create or what to re-use during the setup.

Virtual machine

Network Interface

Network Security Group

Public IP Address

Virtual network

Storage Account

Choose “Network Security Group” then you will see the setting page that looks similar to Windows Advanced Firewall interface on windows server or desktop.

Azure Network Security Group

Click on “Inbound security rules”. This is where you can enable the endpoint of your new VM. Of course, you forget to open the same port in your server OS as well.

http://michaelsync.net/2015/09/28 /where-is-the-endpoint-setting-for-vm-in-new-azure-portal






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