Install Drupal core with theme/Composer/Git/Commerce on your localhost

Install XAMPP

Select Apache and MySQL when installing

Config Apache -> Edit php.ini

Create DB utf8_general_ci + Import sql db
Create User & assign permissions on DB


Install Drupal 8.x

1. Unzip the Startup Growth Drupal theme package.

2. Locate the [site]/[d8] directory and upload its content to your

server. This directory includes Drupal core and all of the

required modules that are used in the theme. If you wish to

install the theme in your root directory (often called the

“/public_html/” directory), simply place all the extracted

files and folders into this directory. Place all files in a

sub-directory, if you want the theme installed in a sub-directory

of your website.

3. (important) Create the MySQL database. Make a note of the complete

database name. You will need your database username and password

during the first couple of steps of your theme installation.

4. Import the “[site]/[d8]/[_data]/db_instance.sql” file in your newply

created MySQL database.

5. Start the Drupal installation wizard by pointing your browser to the

recently created folder, in your Apache server path.

6. Continue the installation by selecting the “Standard” installation profile.

7. Enter your recently created database information. This includes the database name

and credentials (username/password) you have chosen when creating it.

8. The installation wizard will recognise that you are using an already populated

database and will inform you accordingly. At the same time, the wizard should

create all the necessary files your Drupal site needs in order to work properly on

your server.

9. You are done. Click on the “visit existing site” link, to visit your new site.

10. Once you are done with the above, please login to this site through the /user/login url

11. Navigate to /admin/reports/status and make sure that there are no errors regarding

the “File system” item. In case of errors please make sure to resolve those.

12. By default, our theme distribution comes with Drupal 8 caching and aggregation of JS and

CSS files, deactivated, ensuring a smoother experience during any technical work you

will need to do post-installation.

Either right after installation, or when you finish building your Drupal 8 site using

this theme, it is recommended to activate Drupal caching and aggregation of CSS and

JS files, for better performance.

To do so, navigate to /admin/config/development/performance and enable caching

(default option: 15 min) as well as the “Aggregate CSS files” and

“Aggregate JavaScript files” options.


Install Composer:

Close all browser – and explorer windows


Install Git


Install DrupalConsole


Install Commerce:

Open XAMPP Shell
CD C:\xampp\htdocs\d8

composer config repositories.drupal composer

composer require “drupal/commerce 2.x-dev”

drupal module:install commerce_product commerce_checkout commerce_cart commerce_tax






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